Tips and Tricks

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Favorite breakfast!

This is seriously the most delicious cereal concoction. When I went paleo, one thing I missed the most was cereal. I used to eat it before bed all the time. One night I was rummaging around my kitchen desperate for a cereal replacement and just threw a bunch of stuff in a bowl with some coconut milk and it pretty much turned out like this.

Normally, I use berries, a sliced banana, coconut flakes, slivered almonds, chia seeds, cinnamon, and coconut milk. You can also add in raisins, paleo granola, honey, any kind of nuts you like, seeds, etc. It's delicious and easy which goes a long way in our cook-everything-from-home paleo world. It is also a great substitution for yogurt, something else I desperately miss! 

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